pi2Life Funder FinTech platform

Identify quality of match between each pair of investors and investees using Funder’s proprietary Matchmaking algorithm. Optionally promote investment opportunities or investors to grow your positive impact

Funder is a FinTech Marketplace + Matchmaking Software-as-a-Service that is developed for impact and sustainability focused enabling networks & ecosystems to significantly improve the quality, scale and speed of impact investment introductions

Backoffice for Matchmaking And Introduction

Backoffice for Matchmaking And Introduction

Identify % match between each pair of investors and investees using Funder’s proprietary Matchmaking algorithm

Personalise engagement with investors and investees using Funder's simple and intuitive digital tools

Retain complete control over your community of investors and investees using Funder's privacy and permission controls

Identify quality of match between each pair of investors and investees using Funder's proprietary Matchmaking algorithm

Get Started
Marketplace and Member Accounts

Marketplace and Member Accounts

Promote investment opportunities or investors to grow your positive impact

Accept applications from investors and investees to join your curated network for matchmaking and introductions

Enabler controlled permissioned access for investors and investees to matchmaking results and requesting introductions

Controlled access to investor and investees for changes or removal of their profiles

Discover Enablers

Want to know more and see how it work?

Our vision is to drive the growth of global Compassionate Capitalism economy

B2B Marketplace
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Sustainable Retail Consumer Products
Ethical Laboratory Testing Solutions
Impact Investments and Sustainable Finance
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© 2025 All Rights Reserved by Positive Impact Technologies, Lausanne, Switzerland